Below are a few steps you need to take to ensure the card reader works:
CHARGE - Make sure the card reader is fully charged.
BLUETOOTH - Turned ON. DO NOT pair the device.
SETTINGS - On your device settings, make sure to set Location Services ON.
PERMISSIONS - From your phone settings > Applications > Jobox, “Allow Jobox to access Location” is set to ALWAYS.
UPDATE your Jobox App
UPDATE THE CARD READER FIRMWARE - Click on Settings to access Account Information. Select "Update Reader Firmware" and follow the steps on the screen.
Give it a few minutes and try again. If you're still having trouble, try the reset below.
RESET - Take a pin, press for 10 seconds on the reset button at the bottom of the card reader.
If the reader is still unresponsive - try to turn it off, press and hold for 30 seconds, and then back ON.
You will see a flashing blue light 🔵 when the reader is ready to connect.
Still having trouble? Contact us via live chat in the app.