With the Talus Pay integration now active for any account with Twilio, making the most of the integration to progress your business is a given, use the below options to configure your account to the maximum benefit.
To use the Talus Pay integration you must have Twilio fully set up to send and receive text messages. Here is where you set up your Twilio account: setting up your own Twilio account. Once done, you can simply connect it to your PowerDispatch account on the PowerDispatch's Twilio settings page.
There are many technician options that work with the Talus Pay integration, below we will dive into each option and how it may affect your business if you choose to use it.
Notification options
Invite your technician using the "Invite all techs to Talus Pay" button on the main page, this will invite your technicians and if you don't uncheck the "Update tech phone number to Talus Pay number once available" option then the tech's phone number in PowerDispatch will be automatically updated to his new Talus Pay phone number once he allows you to receive it.
If you are setting up a new technician you can choose any provider as that is no longer used when you have Twilio setup.
You can read below or simply click the Use recommended defaults button
Tech portal
This creates and sends out the TechPortal link to the technician and is required for the integration.
Close jobs
This enables the tech to input the job closing data into PowerDispatch, when used the job will switch status to Pending close and all closing data will be displayed.
Skip Pending Close
This permission works with the close job permission, when it is on and the tech closes the job from the Talus Pay app then the job will skip the Pending Close status and go directly to close status, use this once you see the tech closes the jobs properly for a while.
Cancel Jobs
The Cancel Jobs permission will enable the tech to cancel jobs from the TechPortal or from the Talus Pay app. Once used the job will switch to Pending Cancel status for review by the dispatcher.
Skip Pending cancel
Same as skip pending close this permission allows techs you trust to move jobs to cancel status without any review of the job by a dispatcher.
Handle declines as cancel
If the tech is the only technician you have for the region you can use this to cancel all jobs that are declined by the technician automatically.
You can read below or simply click the Use recommended defaults button
Confirm Jobs
If you turn on this feature by selecting “Move jobs to in progress when the technician confirms them” then the jobs will automatically move to in progress when the technician confirms the jobs on the Talus Pay app saving you valuable resources and time calling the technician to verify he accepted the job.
Decline Jobs
If you turn on the “Move jobs to accepted when declined by the technician” then you will be immediately and very clearly notified the job has been declined by the technician and further action from the dispatcher side is needed.
Still need assistance?
Please reach out to us via the Talus Pay app chat, or email us at Powerdispatch@Taluspay.com
We will be happy to help!
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