Getting your customer's approval before you complete the service or charge their card is a great way to protect yourself against disputes. We've made it easy!
Here is how:
Find the job you want to get approved and tap charge.
2. Tap Charge
3. Enter the job subtotal, parts and tax (if applicable)
4. Enter Customer Details and fill in Notes for Customer. Describe the work, breakdown the cost, write your policies, and more. Notes and customer information added here will show on the receipt.
Then confirm your customers details, click the pencil icon to edit.
6. Tap Invoice to preview what was done.
7. Choose EMAIL/TEXT or ON SITE to send the Invoice
8. Tap Send Invoice
9. You will have a record of your sent Invoice!
10. Charge the customer as usual and be sure to send a receipt! Details from the previous steps will automatically show here.
The Talus Pay Team
Still need assistance?
Please reach out to us via the Talus Pay app chat.
We will be happy to help!