Make sure you always get the latest job updates and alerts from Talus Pay by turning on the right notifications in your phone's settings!
To get the most out of Talus Pay, make sure to turn on all of the possible notification types. Here's how:
1. Open your phone's settings and scroll until you find Talus Pay in your list of apps
3. Tap Notifications
4. Allow Notifications
5. Check off the locations where you want to see Talus Pay notifications. This includes new chats, job updates, messages from us, and more.
Turn on the Sounds and Badges toggle on the Talus Pay icon for you to see the notifications coming in
7. Allow Badges to see the notification badge (red circle) on the Talus Pay icon
You're ready to go with
We always recommend that you allow all notifications, banners, and badges, so that you're always updated about your jobs.
Still need assistance?
Please reach out to us via the Talus Pay app chat.
We will be happy to help!
-The Talus Pay Team