After you’ve charged the customer’s credit card, hand your mobile device to the customer to sign the receipt. A good signature that is recognizable shows that the customer approved and was aware of the charge.
Personalize the Receipt
When adding the customer’s information on the “Send Receipt” screen, make sure to add the card holder's full name. This information will be presented in the receipt itself and will customize the receipt to this specific customer.
Itemize the Receipt
In the receipt notes, describe the payment breakdown and the work you completed. Ask the customer if they need to add any specific information to the receipt, especially if they need to provide it to their insurance company to get reimbursed. This will reduce calls from customers asking for this information and lowers the risk of a chargeback.
Send the Receipt
Ask the cardholder for his or her phone number or email address and send them the receipt. This will help us prove the customer is aware of the charge they paid.
Still need assistance?
Please reach out to us via the Talus Pay app chat.
We will be happy to help!