Anytime you charge a customer's credit card, theres a chance they'll dispute the amount with their bank. With My Disputes in your Jobox app, you can easily and quickly respond to any dispute that comes in.
Here are the basics:
Where is it?
You can access My Disputes by going to Account > Get Help
My Dispute Status
Disputes Require Response - You need to provide evidence for one or more disputes before we can respond to your customer's bank
Open Disputes - You have submitted evidence to us and one or more of your disputes are awaiting a response from the customer's bank
Resolved Disputes - You have no disputes that need your attention or are waiting for a response. Great job!
Dispute Statuses
Active - The dispute requires a response from you, likely uploaded evidence, before the case can be submitted.
In Review - The evidence has been submitted to the customer's bank and the decision is pending.
Won - The dispute was resolved in the your favor.
Lost - The dispute was resolved in your customer’s favor. The disputed amount will be deducted from your wallet.
How to Respond
As soon as you get a dispute you can upload evidence in support of your case.
Here's how:
1. Go to your Account
2. Tap Get Help
3. Enter My Disputes
4. Tap into a dispute to see the details
5. Tap Submit Documents. This will open up a conversation with us where you can attach evidence.
5. Submit your evidence
*Note: Once you submit evidence to us, we will send a response to the bank. If you need to make changes contact us right away.
See it in action:
Be sure to check back in to see the status of your dispute. Don't worry, we'll also send you updates in your app.