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Credit Card Statements

Customize how your company name appears on customers' bank statements

Enna avatar
Written by Enna
Updated over 7 months ago

Your customers rely on the information they see on their bank statement to help identify the transaction. Typically, the business name, address, and phone number appear on the bank statement.

What is a Statement Descriptor?

Customers' bank statements will include the following for each transaction:

  • US State from the service address 

  • Technician’s profession (e.g., “Locksmith” or “Air Ducts”)

  • Unique ID of the job associated with the charge (e.g., “REF#1234”)

For example:

Charges can appear on your customer's bank statement in a few different ways:


Job Type: The job type you select when adding the job will be used. This helps reduce unrecognized charges and disputes.

Ref#: Represents the job ID. Customers can refer to this in conversations with technicians.  

For Example: “LOCKSMITH REF#3JBX” 

Custom Descriptors: 

We can help you customize how your company appears on your customers' bank statements. 

Full Customization

Write a full descriptor between 5 and 22 characters. This option doesn't include the job ID. 

For example: “24/7 LOCKS LOCKSMITH”

Partial Customization

Pick a short company name between 5 and 11 characters to appear between the state and the job ID.

For example: “CA 24/7 LOCKS REF#3JBX”

Contact us so we can customize your statement descriptor for you!

-The Jobox Team 

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