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Power Dispatch: Technician and Company set up
Power Dispatch: Technician and Company set up

How to set up Technicians and Companies in Power Dispatch

Ellie avatar
Written by Ellie
Updated over a month ago

Technician and Company set up

When setting up your Technicians and Companies in the system, here is what you need to know:

Company Settings :

  • It is highly recommended to add first all the companies and only then the technicians, (this way you could set technicians to all the companies at once.)

  • Set here all your referral companies and people that give you leads/jobs.

  • By doing so you will get a specific report from each company that tells you how much you owe them for each job.

  • To add a company click on +Add Company

  • Type in the name of the company. This is the only mandatory field for the company settings and it will appear on the sms (if the account system is set to show the referral company name)

  • Notification Options: set the company's contact information here. This will be useful for sending reports and working with job exchanges. (when the correct job exchange email is set the system will recognize and preselect the company when clicking on Add-Job from job exchange messages).

  • Company Rates:

Here you set the percentages you choose to give the referral company for each job.

You should decide upfront if you want to use the Zones System or the Flat Rate system because this must match your technician's settings as well.

The Flat Rate system is NOT recommended because it won’t be selected automatically when closing a job. You can pay flat rates and still use the zone system by setting only Zone 1 for 24 hours, from 12:00 AM to 12:00 AM.

  • Zone 1 through 3: Use the Zone system if one of your companies (or technicians) is receiving different rates for day and night jobs. Make sure to always set rates in Zone 1, 2, and 3 even if the company gets the same rates during the day and night, simply enter the same rates in both of the zones.

Zone 1: The % amount you pay the referral company for jobs done during the Day

Zone 2: The % amount you pay the referral company for jobs done during the Night

Zone 3: If you have more than two time zones enter the referral company rates here as well.

There is no need to set hours for the companies because zones will be set by the technician’s zone hours.

  • Flat Rate: Use only if all your referral companies and technicians receive the same rates throughout the whole day and if you don’t want the Zone to be chosen automatically by the system.

  • Additional Fees: Enter a dollar amount if the referral company takes additional fees from you for each job that they forward to you.

  • Special Rate: Set the rate that this company will get for special rate jobs, (for all the job descriptions that are classified as special rates job type.)

  • Credit Rate & Check Rate: If the referral company takes fees for running credit cards or checks from you, enter the rates here.

  • Payment by: Choose a default option - who will run credit cards and deposit checks: the master company (you), or the referral company. This is important to calculate who owes the money to who. This can be changed manually for specific jobs if needed.

Helpful tip: Always add your own master company to the companies list so you could send jobs directly from it. Set your master company at 0% and with Payment By my company always. This will allow you to see the correct profit under overview, and the money will always be in your control since it's under the master company.

  • Sample of a Referral Company Settings

Technician Settings :

  • Here you will set all your technicians here, field agents, and any other employees that you send jobs to.

  • To add a new technician click on the +Add button.

  • A new window will open up with the following options

  • Name: Type in the technician display name - mandatory.

  • Address: Save the technician's address

  • Timezone: You can set the timezone for each technician if you want the Zone 1-3 rates to be chosen according to the technician's time zone. (this is less recommended than using Job Timezone, which I will show you in a minute).

  • Metros: Choose all the metros you want the technician to work at. The technician will only appear in your technician list for jobs in those areas. If you want the technician to work in all metros, live this field blank and don’t choose any metro.

- Notification Option

  • This is a mandatory section: You cannot save a technician without filling in his Phone number, Mobile Provider, and Email address. If you’re not sure which provider the technician uses, choose ATNT as default.

  • Exchange: This field can be used as a secondary email field for messaging only. If the technician has his own Powerdispatch account, you can set his PD account email address here, and he will be able to get jobs from you directly to his messages tab.

  • You can set default notification by marking the checkboxes on the left. This means that the technician will be set to receive an SMS/Email notification for every Appointment or In Progress job that you assign to him.

    (you will be able to cancel the notification manually before you save each job if needed).

- Technician’s Companies & Rates

  • Select a Company:

  • If the technician will receive jobs from all your companies and gets the same rates regardless of the company, you should choose All Companies from this dropdown.

  • If the technician works at different rates, and only for some companies, you will need to choose one company, set the technician rates, hit Apply and move on to the next company.

  • You can also set All companies first and then modify some of them separately if needed.

  • To remove a company after it was saved: Choose the company from the list, mark the checkbox: Remove Company, and hit the save or apply buttons.

  • If you add a referral company after your technicians have been already set up, each technician will need to be individually assigned the new company added. Failing to do so will result in the inability to assign any technician to jobs received from the new referral company.

    Here are the steps to complete it in the most efficient way:

    1. Choose one of the companies that are already set for the specific technician, which will populate all the rate fields.

    2. Then switch to all companies, and modify what you need.

    3. Save your changes

      Disclaimer: This applies only if you pay the technicians the same percentage for all the companies which isn't always the case.

  • Technician Rates

  • Start setting the technician's rates only after you choose a company.

  • If you decide to use the Zone system or the Flat Rate system for your companies, continue to use the same system for your technicians.

  • Zone 1: How much do you pay the technician for jobs completed during the Day? (%)

  • Zone 2: How much do you pay the technician for jobs completed during the Night (%)

  • Zone 3: Another option for technicians using more than 2 zones (%)

  • Start Time: set here the start time of the zone.

  • End Time: set here the end time of the zone.

^The total time in zones used must cover 24 hours for best results.

  • Job Timezone option: Make sure this checkbox is marked especially if you work with the system in real-time. This means that when you close a job the job’s timezone will be chosen automatically for you according to the time zone of the job address at the time that the job moved to status In Progress.

  • Hourly: If you pay your technician by the hour, you can enter his rate here. When you close a job, you will only need to type the number of hours he worked.

  • Flat Rate: Use only if all your technicians and referral companies receive the same rates throughout the whole day and if you don’t want the Zone to be chosen automatically by the system when you close a job.

  • Additional Fees: Enter a dollar amount if you take any additional fees from your technician for each job that you dispatch out to him.

  • Special Rate: Set the rate that the technician will get for special rate jobs (for all the job descriptions that are classified as special rates job type)

  • Credit Rate & Check Rate: If you charge the technician fees (%) for running credit cards or accepting checks, enter the rates here.

  • Save Vs. Apply:

    Hit Apply if you want to save your changes and stay on this page to continue editing the technician's settings and other companies.

    Hit Save if you are ready to leave this page and move on.

  • Technician’s Permissions:

  • Tech Portal - Enables the technician to receive the technician portal link (will arrive inside the job message.)

  • Jobs Menu - Enables the technician to view all his open jobs and manage them from the tech portal and from the IVR, (where he will also be able to listen to all his open jobs.)

  • Receive Client Info - Displays the client address and phone number (if call recording is off) in the tech portal and allows the technician to use Navigation and Direction buttons.

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